Friday, April 26, 2013

4/25 Cherokee Beekeepers Meeting

I attended our local beekeepers meeting last night and got to meet the state apiarist Mike Studer.  He gave a very informative presentation on bee treatments for mites, small hive beetles, etc.  We had a great crowd of over 50 people.  The prized door prize was donated by our president Jim Gentry.  It was a garbage bag full of "guaranteed to burn" smoker fuel.  Turns out it was pine tree needles.

Mike Studer showed us a innovative new type of hive top that is supposed to be helpful in the battle against small hive beetles.  In the winter, the solid top is turned down so it's like a migratory cover.  But in the summer, it's turned over and the holes in the side allow light in to drive the beetles down where the bees can corral them and the screen allows for better hive ventilation.  No bee supply company is making/selling them yet, but maybe me and Dad can make one (or several).  The pictures are not that good (it was dark and the flash wasn't cooperating) but the first one shows the screen side, and the next two show the sides with the slits for light and air to come in.

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